Monday, September 27, 2010

Little Girls...

I'm going to cry!! Seriously...going to bawl my eyes out. I don't know how to handle this. What to do? What to think? I mean, isn't one child enough? Seriously!

OK - so this last week...I had to go and buy...gasp...a BRA for my 10 year old!!!!


You have no idea how fast it happens. Over night. It went from a little something to "Hello!" To having the talk of "You can't get dressed in front of brother anymore", to thinking "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?" My baby is growing up.

It's not bad enough I am dealing with a Hormonal, temperamental Teenager that you had to throw in a PMS'ing, hormonal and out-of-control Pre-teen?

And people wonder why I cry allot.

Have you seen my house? Don't come in unless you dare...

I have to go now, it's time to hide under the bed...



Leah said...

I don't want to hear it... I don't want to hear it... LOL I soooo do not want to think about MY Em old enough to be wearing a bra. I refuse. It won't happen. Lalalalala (*plugs ears*)

good luck!!!!!!!!!

jmt said...

A Bra???? Seriously???

And to think I didn't have to wear one until I was 16!