Friday, January 7, 2011

Well, do you...

Like the new look? It's for ringing in the New Year!
My New Year is starting off on a good foot so far. Good as in nothing horrendous or miserable has happened, no doctors visits this year so far, no surprising medical bills came in the mail, and I've managed to knock a few things off my list this week, of the things to get done while I am home.
Then's only 7 days into the New Year...


jmt said...

Your new look makes me want to get up and dance with Travolta. LOL I'm happy to hear that you haven't been to the doctor. We took two of 'em Thursday. Blah.

I hope things continue to stay positive and on track for great things for you! How's the job thing?

Leah said...

I do like the new look! I like Tooge's comment about wanting to get up and dance! LOL

Glad 2011 is so far going well for you. I've already found out my house is wired stupidly and I can't safely use my treadmill in the room it's currently placed (the only room in the entire house it could possibly fit besides the garage). I'm pretty sure last Jan started with my computer crashing (for the first of many times). I guess it's the house's turn this year.

Together We Save said...

Your look is very festive!! I love it!! Glad you are getting a few things done... I am trying also.