Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's BASEBALL time...

So...last night was our first baseball meeting with the team and coaches. This is our first year in the new division. Juniors now! Bigger field, bigger players, new rules, faster pitches, harder hits and "edge of your seat moments" for parents. I am excited. Austin was nervous.

Let me remind you of this:
Needless to say, he is not pitching this season. First Base! Once he got to the meeting, he was better. The coach is really nice. He knew a few of the boys from around school. We actually saw a pair of twins on his team that he went to preschool with 10 years ago! We don't have any past team players this year that we have played with. That is really unusual. But at this level of play, only the die hard's and high school aged play. The ones who are in it for "fun" do not usually move on. It becomes competitive now. This is the year that will make or break them for High School ball. We also travel this year now. We don't play within our own league. So we will play against other local leagues in our area. That also steps the game up now. You aren't playing your neighbor or best friend. Your playing big kids from other towns. Different fields. Different Ump's calling.

Ok...I think I just got nervous too...


1 comment:

Kaci said...

Let the fun times begin! =) I'll be his cheerleader!