Monday, June 21, 2010

Sorry I've been absent...

You see, hubby started working from home this last week. So we had to tear the playroom apart and turn it into an office for him. Which required A LOT of work.

We had to install a separate phone line for him, buy a desk, chair, mat, phone, headset, office supplies, new computer...


The new computer does not work with your companies website? But "MY" computer does? So your taking my computer and giving me the new one? Which has NO programs on it? Sure it's WAY faster and cooler. But all my photos, music, emails, programs, documents, videos are now GONE???

Did I mention that I work from home too? And the new computer has no email programs set up on it? Nor does it have other features I need. Spent ALL weekend trying to get it so I can work from it. UGH!

I am SO not a happy camper right now!

I hate change! I want MY computer back, with all my stuff on it. *stomping feet*

OK, i feel better now.

So I've been absent from blogging since I didn't even have my blogging website BECAUSE IT WAS ON THE OTHER COMPUTER!

Did I mention how I am SO not happy right now?

You see, my job just requires a computer and once in awhile a phone call from boss. Hubbies job is on the phone all day with customers. So now that he's home, we have to TIP-TOE around. It's summer, the kids are out of school and HOME ALL DAY LONG! The poor dog now is confined to upstairs so he wont bark, the house phone has been turned to silent so now i don't know when i get a call, and i can't even do LAUNDRY during the day now!!!

Today was my day off, so to "help" him work in a quiet house, i took the kids to a water park in the next town over for 3+ hours and sat in the 90+ weather and ROASTED my butt off for him! It's free, and i let the kids each bring a friend, and packed up a cooler with cold treats and snacks and I brought a good book to read while they played.

But i sweated. And kids whined. And they were bored. And they wanted to eat real food. They wanted to leave. They wanted, wanted, wanted...

And I was SO not happy!

We walk in the door back home and i asked hubby if he was glad i took them away for so long so he could work...and he has the nerve to wasn't long enough!

He's sleeping on the couch tonight...


1 comment:

jmt said...

Oh my....oh my oh my oh my.


Both of you working from home? That will certainly be an adjustment for the both of you. And certainly doing it during summer break isn't the most ideal time. Eek. I wish you luck.