Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Easter Eggs...

It was time to pull out the hard boiled eggs and color them for Easter. It was a much different Easter this year. This was the first Holiday when Austin "knew" the truth about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. So he wanted nothing to do with it. Didn't want to color the eggs. Didn't want to hunt for the eggs. Didn't want to open his Easter Basket.

So we tried to keep it fun and happy for Emily who still of course believes in it all!
She was so excited. She had opened the dye packages 6+ hours early and had it set up on the table. She kept asking me every 5 minutes for said 6+ hours if it was time for the eggs yet. She grabbed an egg and plopped it in every color cup before we could blink. I think she was just a little excited. So I explained to her that she could mix colors, make designs, write on the eggs, stickers, etc. and she got very thoughtful...Doesn't he look SO excited to be doing this?Please don't mind my messy kitchen. I had been baking and cooking for 12+ hours straight on new PW recipes to take to Easter at my parents house the next day and I was exhausted. The finished project!

Now...time to put them away and wait for the Easter Bunny!



Together We Save said...

Oh easter eggs are so much.

Kaci said...

Fun fun fun!! =) Poor Austin. LOL!

Leah said...

LOL! Glad Emily had a good time. Austin should have tried a little harder to suck it up for his sister's sake. That's a BOY for ya! LOL

12 hours of baking PW stuff??? What did you make? (mouth watering here)

jmt said...

Austin looks so thrilled. LOL Really thrilled. That was one good thing about being the older my house, anyhow. Although my parents knew I KNEW, we always kept up the pretense for the younger siblings and it made it fun to participate each year.