Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'd like you to meet someone...

My Beautiful Baby Girl, Emily:My big girl has grown so much this year. She has excelled with her social life this year, making several new "BFF's", having sleepovers, play dates and swimming parties. She has developed several new hobbies, is learning to roller skate, idolizes her big brother and loves her puppy dog with all her heart.

She hurts easily, gets frustrated often, cries at the drop of a hat, but has a BIG heart and loves honestly and truly. She adores babies and toddlers, loves her grandma and has always been a "papa's" girl. She is patient, kind and caring. But don't cross her, she has her mommas Tiger spirit in her. And she is the best daughter anyone could ask for.



Leah said...

She sounds amazing Cindy. XOXO

Together We Save said...

Thanks for sharing her with us!! She sounds just wonderful!